I have to tell you, I'm still rather shocked that a Swedish journalist has this much objectivity regarding American politics. As an American who's lived in Sweden for quite some time, it's almost like spotting a unicorn.

That said, I'm guessing you'll have plenty to write about in the future. That debate likely caught everyone off guard with the exception of folks like your male Republican friend and myself (another male Republican). We've seen the same President Biden that his supporters/sympathizers have ignored. And we can only partially blame you for not seeing what we've seen. Specifically, because you likely fell for what the American press was feeding you. As I think you know (based on what I've read of your work thus far), criticism of things not from the left have a difficult way of rising to the surface. And, forgive me, but I need to point one more thing out.

I'm a bit older than you. Old enough to recognize that what might be the usual "red meat" for one generation is a huge turn off for another. I sincerely believe Gen X'ers and older from the right were more obnoxious than they should've been in the past, and the left knew this. So, when we started pointing out what we saw in President Biden, the left simply used that against us. Folks simply ignored us. Well played by the left. Nevertheless, as I believe a lot of folks are seeing, while the left scores the win in their tactics, the U.S. and possibly the world loses in confidence in the Whitehouse. That’s huge strategic blow for many.

So, I hope at least journalism outside of the U.S. finds the courage to be honest enough to say what's true. It obviously needs saying. And just to be clear, I mean for both the left and right side of American politics. The American press on the right has LONG way to go before most Democrat and Independent voters start fairly considering their criticism as legitimate. And the left won’t just allow to happen either. I hope folks like you can help out in the meantime.

Lastly, truth be told, I think journalism took quite the blow with this. It’s a story that shouldn’t have been missed. People know this. Nevertheless, I just don’t think it’s wise to criticize someone providing a glimmer of hope for an industry in desperate need of it.


Please forgive my rambling, and keep up the good work.

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This document is a disaster for the sitting US President! He must be taken away a s a p and put in a home for the elderly senile! That is just the obvious fact after the latest debate with Donald Trump!

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Great to have a translation. Will recommend you to americans I jaw with.

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You saved me needing to comment I'm here because you jaw with me.

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Biden had a challenging day. He isn’t senile; he’s an elderly, tired, and overly prepared president. There’s immense pressure on him to be perfect, especially while dealing with a deceitful, abusive opponent. Despite these challenges, Biden is a smart and accomplished politician who defeated Trump and worked to address the damage from Trump’s first term.

Day by day, more Democrats are recognizing that Biden and his administration are the best option until the election in November. 2028 will be a new era for younger generations, but right now, we must save the US and the world from a resentful oligarch. As Justice Sotomayor of the Supreme Court remarked, “The man who is in charge of enforcing laws can now break them,” adding, “I now fear for our democracy”. Question is, is this the first preparation for Project 2025?!

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