It is a great credit to TRump for choosing such a great person as Vance! By the way - notice what strong individuals who surround Trump, as Jordan B Peterson has pointed out.
För mina svenska läsare. Trump påminner om Häradshövdingen i att omge sig med de mest kompetenta personerna och inte ett gäng ja-sägare som ofta präglar svaga ledare!
Vance is slick and well spoken, but how much is is worth when he lies just as much as Trump. He has to, if he is going to serve under Trump, and the reason Pence is not vp this time around, who rejected Trumps call to overturn Biden election in 2020.
It is a great credit to TRump for choosing such a great person as Vance! By the way - notice what strong individuals who surround Trump, as Jordan B Peterson has pointed out.
För mina svenska läsare. Trump påminner om Häradshövdingen i att omge sig med de mest kompetenta personerna och inte ett gäng ja-sägare som ofta präglar svaga ledare!
En sund reflektion - tråkigt när hans goda sidor ska kontrasteras mot Trumps persona. Det senare är så tjatigt
Ett förtydligande. Det är inte Trumps personlighet som blir tjatig utan automatiserade jämförelsen
Vance has a great future ahead of him when Trump retires. He makes sense without the vitriol.
Vance is slick and well spoken, but how much is is worth when he lies just as much as Trump. He has to, if he is going to serve under Trump, and the reason Pence is not vp this time around, who rejected Trumps call to overturn Biden election in 2020.
Name one lie from Vance then, with an actual source.